"Roundabout" Magazine

The editors

The editors are Hilary and Richard Edwards who may be contacted at nt.roundabout at gmail.com

Copy date

Material for publication must be received no later than 13th of the month before publication is desired (and earlier if possible).


Advertisements announcing local events or events in aid of a charity are carried free of charge.
There is a charge made for commercial business which take space to advertise. The great majority take out a subscription for a year from November to October inclusive. Invoices are sent out at the start of September, with payment due by the first week in October, so ensuring that advertisements can continue to appear without interruption.

If we receive a proposal to start advertising after the annual renewal, we shall invoice you for whatever part of our advertising year remains before the next renewal period, but advertisements are accepted also for shorter periods or for a single edition, if space is available. Please contact the editors for details of the cost of advertising.

The magazine is published by St. Peter's Church on behalf of the Parochial Church Councils of the four parishes. They comprise the northern part of the Whiddon Mission Group
For the main page and magazine downloads, click here